Temporary or persistent tiredness can have a major impact on our life and living, and can be a precursor or indicator of ill health. Chronic tiredness can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, headaches, digestive problems and aches and pains. We may also inexplicably experience weight gain, loss of motivation and lethargy.

So, if you can’t shake off feelings of fatigue, lack the energy required for daily life, and feel that you are always running on empty, there is a range of possible explanations. A good test is to ask yourself if 10 is best and 1 worst, what level of energy do you average at? Generally-speaking, if your answer is 6 and below, you may require attention.

CAUSES: There are a range of potential causes, often interrelated. These are some of the main ones to consider:

  • PRESSURES OF LIFE: The pressures of modern life, what most of us call “stress”, can lead to mental and physical overexertion and overstimulation, neither of which are good for us in the long term. From simply making ends meet, to the ups and downs of life’s events and even the daily overexposure to technology, can have a negative impact on our energy levels.
  • LIFESTYLE CHOICES: It is common knowledge that certain life-style choices can have a direct and significant effect on our health and wellbeing: As much as 50%. There is more and evidence to show that unhealthy choices (e.g. alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, poor sleep and diet), can contribute to ill health and compromise the bodies’ ability to generate healthy energy.
  • NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY: Poor nutrition can lead to poor energy levels. It is well known that a lack of vitamins and minerals contribute directly to poor energy production. Vegans and vegetarians can suffer fatigue from a lack of B vitamins in particular.
  • HORMONAL MALFUNCTION: The Thyroid and Adrenal Glands are key contributors to our metabolic and energy production. Their malfunctioning can leave us feeling fatigued.
  • HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Women in the pre-(peri)-menopausal or menopausal phases can similarly feel fatigued due to hormonal imbalance, often from a reduction in oestrogen.
  • FATIGUE AFTER ILLNESS: In some cases the immune system becomes weakened after an acute illness such as flu, unable to pick itself up, leaving us feeling unable to get our mojo back.
  • PREGNANCY: Tiredness in pregnancy is common, more particularly during the 1st and 3rd Trimester. Anaemia due to iron deficiency is a regular reason for fatigue.
  • SAD: Seasonal Affected Disorder, during winter months, can have a significant affect on our mood and motivation.


  • THE BEST NUTRITION YOU CAN AFFORD, focussing on fresh and/or organic produce where possible. Good quality pro-biotics can give you an additional support for improving your gut health and optimising your immune function. The most important thing is to minimise the intake of refined sugars, carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats.
  • SLOW DAYS, which may limit or exclude exposure to technology. The “cult of speed” is impacting negatively on our health.
  • SLEEP. If our minds are too busy to allow restful sleep, we wake unrefreshed and unready for the next day. This can build up over time leaving us depleted and desperate. Avena Tincture or the Bach Flower Remedy White Chestnut can help to calm the mind and re-regulate sleep patterns.
  • DECLUTTER YOUR LIFE: Regularly reviewing how much is too much.
  • LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: And know your limits.
  • NATURAL REMEDIES: I have regularly found Bach Flower Remedies, work well to stimulate the immune system and restore energy levels. In cases of mental and physical overexertion, Olive works well, when “soldiering on” Oak is useful and where there is a feeling of too much responsibility, Hornbeam works best. Homeopathic preparation, Natrum Arsenicum, is useful after a bout of flu as it restores appetite and energy levels, and if S.A.D is the cause Verbena tincture “brightens the spirits”. Aurum can lift one out of depression and from feeling deadbeat. Natural remedies can gently and effectively support a wide range of causative factors, rebuilding immunity and energy. Contact me for further information.
  • BLOOD TEST: You can be tested for a range of factors which may be contributing to feelings of tiredness (eg. anaemia, vitamin B deficiency, glandular fever or hormone malfunction), and for which your GP may also have treatment options. Lyme’s disease is now more common and results in chronic fatigue. If you may have been bitten by a “tick” out walking and you have a bulls-eye shaped bite, ask your GP for a test.

UNEXPLAINED: There are a small group of people for whom, despite tests and examinations the reason for their fatigue remains “unexplained”. Labels such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME may be offered. By looking comprehensively and holistically at the client’s personal history and symptoms, homeopathic consultation and well-chosen remedies can often support recovery. I have helped clients with many conditions where fatigue is a factor including S.A.D, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Emotional Trauma, Thyroid disease, Lyme’s Disease and Glandular Fever(see testimonial below).

"Homeopathy and the work Daniela has done with me has helped me greatly with my anxiety and any health issues along the way. I didn’t know much about it at first and now I’m so grateful I was able to get the help I needed. From helping with my anxiety to speeding up my recovery and curing my glandular fever it really has been life changing." Joseph